Odds are you don’t have an infinite war chest to draw from, which means — just like in any battle — you need to strategize how you allocate resources. Fortunately, the right media buying strategy can maximize your budget by building brand awareness through a multi-dimensional approach.
As discussed in our previous blog, some media are better suited for certain things. But no matter which medium you use, you’ll get an added boost of branding as a result.
Let’s explain why.
Before we dive into the facts and figures, let’s define two terms that are sometimes used interchangeably — but shouldn’t be: Brand recognition and brand awareness.
Brand recognition is when a prospect knows your company on a surface level. Items in brand recognition include those shallow, surface-level identifiers of your company:
If you could identify golden arches and “I’m lovin’ it” as McDonald’s, but (for some reason) thought they were in the car detailing business, you’d be lacking brand awareness.
Brand awareness means you have a deeper level of familiarity that might border on loyalty. If you are brand aware, you are more likely to buy from that company. Making prospects brand aware requires playing the long game.
But — and this is important — no matter what, media buying will help with both.
Let’s pretend you work in a saturated market with hundreds — if not thousands — of competitors.
We feel your pain.
Building brand equity could seem a Herculean task.
But what if your brand could be associated with the first listing for any search engine query?
What if the first thing that pops up when someone wants an answer to a question, a general want or a specific need was your company?
It can happen with paid search… if you’re willing to spend the money. And generally speaking, paid search can be worth every penny.
Perhaps the most interesting thing is that, even in today’s non-stop-content-streaming environment, terrestrial radio blows the doors off ad-supported Spotify and Pandora! Just look at the findings of this “share of ear” report.
However, we would be remiss to completely ignore streaming radio, where you can target with almost surgical-like precision. This is especially important if your audience is niche or you want to target a very specific geography.
In short: if you want a cost-effective method of building brand awareness, radio probably deserves consideration.
Nobody can deny TV’s immense branding appeal. Where else can you reach millions of people simultaneously?
At the same time, the overall cost of delivering a broadcast spot is often an obstacle; the message, while reaching countless eyeballs, only appeals to a portion — but that’s changing in an important way thanks to the explosion of addressable TV.
This new technology delivers in ways beyond zoned cable and OTT by giving brands the ability to target not just neighborhoods, but specific households based on select geography, demographics and behaviors.
It’s amazingly exact targeting, amplified because just about anything with a screen can show a commercial nowadays.
There are also other benefits of traditional TV media buying for branding awareness:
Here’s one more important note: TV doesn’t just mean commercials. TV also means branded content within a news program. For example, severe weather break-ins sponsored by a roofing company. And given that the average viewer spends three hours per day glued to their TV, opportunity abounds to build your brand.
So far, we’ve been focusing primarily on interacting with screens.
But we can’t forget about interacting with good ol’ fashioned print, because this medium still packs a branding punch.
For example, did you know that 82% of consumers trust print ads the most when making a purchase decision?
It makes sense. You are consciously deciding which publication to buy and hold instead of being presented a piece of content.
But there are also other numbers that show print media buying enhances brand awareness.
But that’s not all.
Print ads can appear anywhere in a publication: The cover, the centerfold (not that kind) and wraps.
Does it ever seem like you can’t escape brand messaging, even when you’re running errands?
You’ll probably see it on:
Businesses advertise on these examples — and many, many more —because OOH is proven to increase brand awareness.
And the potential impact is even greater for retailers.
So, while other mediums might have a little more cache, a well-placed and eye-catching outdoor advertisement has the potential to pay off in a big way.
Hopefully you now have an idea of how media buying can bolster your brand’s awareness, no matter the medium.
But since the options are seemingly endless and your budget… probably isn’t… you should explore a customized strategy.
Stealth Creative’s media department can help you create one. Drop us a line and we’ll get to boosting your brand’s revenue (and awareness).
Brian Reinhardt is a Senior Copywriter at Stealth Creative whose first unpublished story was penned at the age of eight. Yes, it involved hoverboards, lasers and robots. His days are filled with researching, content creation and SEO strategy. His nights are spent with family, reading and managing too many fantasy sports teams. Nine is his favorite number.
While there are plenty of tools necessary to build a strong brand presence, there’s one that everyone needs: A brand voice. You might not think about it, but every single brand has one. Even yours.
You might be thinking: “I’ve got a solid business plan and a great product. Do people really care if I have a well-crafted brand voice?” In response to this question, we couldn’t answer loudly enough: “YES!”
Your audience wants to learn about you. Consumers want to know that they are engaging with real people, not robots. By cultivating a personable brand voice, you are more likely to create an emotional connection with your consumer’s subconscious mind. How does this help you? According to Harvard Business School professor Gerald Zaltman, 95% of decisions related to purchases occur subconsciously.*
If your audience is hearing different voices in email messaging versus social media messaging, they’re going to notice the disconnect. This inconsistency can lead them to look in the wrong place for your product or service.
Another benefit of maintaining consistency is conditioning. Let’s go on a field trip, shall we?
Picture it now: You’re back in high school in General Psychology. Today’s lesson is on Ivan Pavlov’s classical conditioning theory. When it comes to exposing your test subjects–err, audience–to stimuli, it is most effective when it is consistent and recurring. If you don’t have consistency in each consumer touch point, you’re essentially starting the process of conditioning over… and over… and over again.
Having a consistent brand voice doesn’t just benefit you externally. When your employees see that you’re not just talking the talk, but walking the walk, they’re more likely to believe in the company’s mission, thus improving loyalty. As we know, internal communication and trust are vital when it comes to building — and strengthening — a brand.
The best way to craft a strong brand voice is to go back to square one. What is your company’s mission? What do you hope to achieve—for yourself, your brand and your community?
Once you’ve answered these questions, consider who you want to reach. Who is your target audience? (A bonus to fine-tuning your target audience? Knowing where to find them to ensure that all the hard work that you’re putting into your brand voice is heard!)
After learning who your target audience is, you can then begin to consider their personas. What does your customer want? What are their personality types? Their dreams? Their goals? Even go as far as knowing their favorite sports teams? (Kidding. Kind of.)
When you’ve identified the mission, the audience and the personas, you can then test different voice variations. What resonates with this group? How would they characterize your brand voice? Here are some adjectives that can help get you started: Ambitious. Charismatic. Extroverted. Intuitive. Passionate. Trustworthy. Understanding. Witty.
Whether you’ve got a start on some ideas for your brand voice or don’t have the first clue where to start, Stealth Creative’s savvy content strategy team is here to lend a hand.
We can help you define tone, feel and personality and start bringing out the key attributes that will help your audience connect directly to the soul of your brand.
But it all starts with a conversation! Get in touch with us today.
Now that we’ve covered your perspective on fatigue with your own brand and materials, it’s time to dive into the mind of your customer.
Google “fatigue,” and you’ll find several meanings for the word: Exhaustion, extreme tiredness, reduced efficiency.
You may have noticed how obsessed with real-time video content everyone is these days. The ability to simultaneously record content and broadcast it to viewers is literally changing the world.
“Why should I pay $15k for a website when I can hire a freelance web designer to create one for a few thousand.”
Every good marketer knows that they must look at industry trends and consumer insights to drive their brand research. However, the process of gathering data to guide your marketing decisions can be pretty intimidating. And while formal focus groups with seasoned moderators can bring enormous insights to your brand positioning strategy, they also bring big price tags.
Millennials. Those mystifying individuals born between 1980 and 1999. Once dismissed as a non-entity in the business world, Baby Boomers and Gen Xers have little choice these days but to sit up and take notice to this generation who now holds 20% of the management roles in companies – and, who recently surpassed Gen Xers as the largest generation in the U.S. workforce.
(more…)There are many new and innovative ideas for business that advertising agencies will take advantage of in the new year.
But with technology dissemination and knowledge sharing occurring at ever-increasing speeds, like the examples above, it’s easy for agencies to forget they (hopefully) already possess a proven, timeless technology at their disposal: genuine interest in their clients’ success.
The warm, caring approach is the antithesis of dealing with a grumpy client who barely makes eye contact with you, while acting like they would rather be anywhere else at that moment. While it may seem old-fashioned, cheerfully greeting your clients with a big smile on your face and showing a sincere desire to help them achieve their marketing goals is the easiest way to overcome these kinds of interactions.
This is the continuation of our discussion on Content Marketing 101. In the prior post we explored the concept of content marketing, and outlined the fundamental steps in developing your content marketing strategy.
This installment continues with an overview of the content strategy and the content promotion strategy.
Ready to continue your pursuit of content excellence? Good. Let’s get started.
Content Marketing isn’t a new marketing concept. The idea of marketing through great content that’s useful to your readers has been around for many years.
In the past, great content was an often-desired element in a marketing campaign, but it was not always required to gain results in search. The value that Google placed on inbound links somewhat minimized the value of what was on the page people eventually landed on.
Until recently, most people’s concept of great content was effective sales copy on a landing page. And since great content is expensive to produce, it wasn’t pursued as diligently as it should have been.
(more…)I love the St. Louis Cardinals, and they are going to the World Series, again! That’s great news for a lot of us in the Midwest, especially for our office just down the road from Busch Stadium.
All this World Series hype has me asking: Why am I such a fan?
I realized one of the major reasons is the Cardinals’ approach to teamwork. If you look up the definition of teamwork it’s this:
The combined action of a group of people, esp. when effective and efficient.
In my last blog, I talked about branding things! Things with which your customers interact. “Things” is a little vague; so let’s clarify. Your branded assets include things like your office, trucks, people (uniforms), website.
What about branding your product? What are the stepping stones of branding your service that you’ll be delivering to your customers? This gets really complicated really quickly; so how can we simplify it?
While I’m using the telecommunications industry as the example, the same principles apply by and large to any service or industry. Let’s start with the strategic analysis of the brand.
My first “real” job out of college was as a search engine copywriter (according to my parents, being a full-time cashier at what used to be Borders doesn’t count). At first, I couldn’t believe I was going to get paid to do the only thing I have ever been told I am good at, besides procrastinating: Writing.
I’ll never forget my first assignment: Writing about electrical fastening equipment. 50 pages. I had to use three keyword phrases per page. Verbatim. Sure, there were minor variations, like “buy fastening equipment” and “fastener equipment online.” But verbatim?
I love movies. As a self-styled “cinemaniac,” I tend to see the world in a different way. For me, Steve Martin summed it up all so nicely in Grand Canyon when he said to Kevin Kline:
“All of life’s riddles are answered in the movies.”
This blog will offer that same thought pattern:
(more…)All of advertising’s riddles are answered in movie quotes.