Keep Your Business In Focus With Video

Stealth is excited to announce the addition of a new service for our clients. Over the summer, we designed and installed a new in-house video suite.

Video is the direction online content is going. Today’s audiences demand video. It is a crucial marketing tool. Having an in-house suite allows us to partner with our clients throughout the entire production process – and that means we can get things out more quickly and maintain high quality.

Now we can tell your story and tell it fast. We can get your story in front of your audience on whatever screen they might be viewing – be it their television, laptop, tablet or smartphone.

This new studio enables us to provide in-house production for television commercials, corporate videos, editing, voice-overs, video compositing and motion graphics. And, get it all done quicker.

Marketing surveys have shown people prefer watching video to reading text. And there are psychological reasons why people find video more compelling.

Susan Weinschenk, Ph.D., affectionately known as “the Brain Lady,” writes and blogs about how to apply psychology and brain science research to understand how people think, work and behave. She has identified four reasons why video is so persuasive.

  1. Our brains are designed to pay attention to faces. So if you’re watching a video and see a face it is going to get your brain’s attention. And the area of our brain that recognizes faces is connected to the emotional areas of our brain. This causes you to process the information in a deeper way.
  2. Voice itself conveys information. They way you say something, the tone of your voice, can illicit an emotional response.
  3. Video can convey emotions and emotions are contagious. Through video, you don’t simply deliver your message, but also your excitement or urgency.
  4. A static picture does not grab the same kind of attention as a dynamic picture. And this means any kind of movement. Words can be moving; there can be animation or a person can be moving while delivering the message.

A high attention to detail, deep analysis of the target audience and a tight turnaround time gets results. But, to take advantage of all video has to offer, you need an excellent storyteller. That’s where Stealth comes in. We’re passionate about video as a medium and are always insistent on providing the best quality possible.

Stay tuned to see what the future of Stealth looks like through the camera lens, and in the meantime, check out our YouTube channel.