Those that have sampled Country Bob’s become a fan for life. But with big bottle brands like A1 hogging the shelves at grocery stores, driving awareness was a seemingly insurmountable task – especially with a relatively minuscule marketing budget.
Fortunately, one of Stealth’s strengths is highlighting the difference-making capabilities of brands to push the revenue needle.
What Was Our Approach…
Be Master of All
Country Bob’s tastes good on hot dogs. It also tastes good on burgers. Brats, too. Quintessential summertime, baseball foods.
A sauce this versatile demanded an equally versatile multi-media strategy. But most important step: getting Country Bob’s in front of the 3 million-plus people who throng to Busch Stadium every summer.
...And Why?
Baseball is Better with Country Bob’s! Stealth dug in and worked our deep industry connections, resulting in a natural partnership between the St. Louis Cardinals and Country Bob’s…
Country Bob's had a sales growth spurt
across Cardinal Nation (St. Louis area), calling for an uptick in production-thanks to awareness driven by the
success of in-stadium sampling.

Country Bob’s is an up-and-coming maker of sauces and seasonings available for sale in major grocers throughout the Midwest.