The New York Times CEO Mark Thompson made a shocking announcement this past February: In the face of economic adversity, the print edition of The New York Times, one of the nation’s most widely circulated newspapers, may cease to be.


There are many new and innovative ideas for business that advertising agencies will take advantage of in the new year.

But with technology dissemination and knowledge sharing occurring at ever-increasing speeds, like the examples above, it’s easy for agencies to forget they (hopefully) already possess a proven, timeless technology at their disposal: genuine interest in their clients’ success.

The warm, caring approach is the antithesis of dealing with a grumpy client who barely makes eye contact with you, while acting like they would rather be anywhere else at that moment. While it may seem old-fashioned, cheerfully greeting your clients with a big smile on your face and showing a sincere desire to help them achieve their marketing goals is the easiest way to overcome these kinds of interactions.


The way I learned PR (the way it was taught to me) is to think like an editor. This ‘hack’ may seem pretty easy, and it is. You just need to start getting creative – in your writing.

The PR practice starts with writing. The more you write, create, edit and submit content (in the form of press releases, for example), the more confident you’ll be in navigating the public relations process! Master the writing and you’ll be amazed at how quickly things will happen. You’ll move to sharing and often getting your news in front of a busy editor client – nailing an interview!


While press releases have been around since the Model A, there’s a quicker, smarter way to get your message to the masses while increasing your web traffic and social engagement through a little something people in the know call “the interwebs.”

The traditional way involved a sizable company submitting a perfectly crafted release into the hands of editors who may or may not decide to run it in whatever newspaper space was available. Even when it was accepted, the results (which often couldn’t be tracked) usually didn’t outweigh the cost.

Mercifully, the times have changed and small-and-medium sized businesses can reap the reward of the shifting digital landscape.
