Marketing to millennials: Top 5 essential components

Millennials. Those mystifying individuals born between 1980 and 1999. Once dismissed as a non-entity in the business world, Baby Boomers and Gen Xers have little choice these days but to sit up and take notice to this generation who now holds 20% of the management roles in companies – and, who recently surpassed Gen Xers as the largest generation in the U.S. workforce.


Lazy. Entitled. Egotistic. Narcissistic.

Those are some of the more positive words used to describe Millennials.

Say what you will about them, but one thing cannot be denied: Their purchasing power.


According to media research company, SNL Kagan , roughly 10% of cable TV viewers are expected to “cut the cord” by 2015.

As a consumer, I’m probably pretty typical. I’ve kept my cable a long time, but I’m watching fewer of the channels, and realizing that it might be dispensable. Even though broadcast TV has fallen in its ability to generate enormous audiences, it is still the most powerful advertising medium.
