Fusion Expo Services


Geo-Fencing For The Win!

Stealth Creative helped create a name for Fusion Expo at one of the exhibit industry’s biggest events—without even setting up a physical booth!

The Situation:

Fusion Expo Services, a trade show and event management firm, handles installation and dismantling (I&D), rentals, storage, flooring and even full event production services.

The client wanted to make an impression at Exhibitor Live in Nashville—a show that included the trade show industry’s top experts, innovators and potential future clients. But instead of setting up a booth space, they challenged Stealth’s digital marketing team to bring the Fusion Expo brand itself to the show virtually while their employees worked the show floor.

With more than 80% of the showgoers holding buying roles in the event field, and more than half actively seeking new suppliers, this was a big opportunity for Fusion Expo to increase brand awareness and gain market share.

The Stealth Solution:

Creative Strategy: Our team created a series of branded Digital Display Banners that appeared on attendees’ devices during the four-day tradeshow. The message? Trust Fusion Expo Services as your partner to manage every detail of the logistics, installation and management of your event presence.

Digital Strategy: Via a highly targeted Geo-Fencing Digital Campaign, Stealth Creative served ads directly within the footprint of Nashville’s Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center to reach our partner’s target audience: those in event planning or coordinating roles for companies of all sizes.

With timely and relevant messages, each impression served was an opportunity to provide a valuable touchpoint with the Fusion Expo brand and generate leads.

Fusion Expo Services digital ads

Retargeting: But Stealth Creative didn’t stop after Exhibitor Live concluded. We extended the campaign with a retargeting approach, keeping Fusion Expo fresh in the minds of the target audience, even after the show was over.

Fusion Expo Services digital retargeting ads

The Results:

During the four-day convention that 4,000 of Fusion’s target audience attended, Stealth Creative delivered

In the 30 days following the event, Stealth Creative delivered
to the same target.


Over the course of the campaign, visits to Fusion Expo’s website
compared to average monthly website visits.

Stealth Creative has the tools (and the minds) to help you enhance your digital marketing strategy to better reach your audience.

Click HERE to contact us today!
Also, learn about our digital services or other case studies.